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What is the 'BiteBuster' System?

U.S. Patent # 7200870
Everyone knows there is an inherent risk of bites and scratches from working with animals, but here are some facts associated with them that you may find interesting……
*Approximately 800,000 dog bites and
500,000 cat bites are reported annually!
Over 130 disease-causing microbes have been isolated from dog and cat bite wounds. Bacteria in the saliva can cause infections such as Pasteurella, Streptoccal, Staphyloccal, and even Capnocyto-phaga which can lead to Septicemia, or blood poisoning which in some people can be fatal!
Two-fifths of nonfatal occupational injuries associated with dogs are from dog bites resulting in days away from work. Almost all of these cases involve the hands and fingers!
Almost ALL occupational injuries involving days away from work that are associated with cats are from bites and scratches! Two thirds of the injuries are from bites alone. Four-fifths involve the arms, hands and fingers!
Cat scratches account for more abrasions severe enough to require days away from work than any other mammal!
Preventing one of these injuries will more than pay for these products!
BiteBuster products were created by pet professionals
... for pet professionals.
* Information obtained by: The Bureau of Labor Statistics multiyear data.
Article: Are Animals Occupational Hazards? Drudi, Dino. Fall 2000.
What You Should Know About Animal Bites, Vetmed 1su.edu Pets-the Good,
the Bad and the Bites, Foreman, Judy Boston Globe; 1997.
BiteBuster® Products are Not for Resale.
Bitebuster® products are intended for internal use only, and not for resale,
unless previous agreement has been made with Bitebuster®.